Shipping Info

Shipping Info

We offer delivery services to the United States.

Shipping Method Shipping Time Shipping Fee Calculation Rule
Standard Shipping 10-20 business days $9.99 Order: $0.00 - $59.00 USD
Standard Shipping 10-20 business days Free Order: ≥ $59.00 USD

Handling Time: 3-7 business days.

Receiving Time = Handling Time + Shipping Time.

Note: All product prices listed on the Services are exclusive of shipping charges, but includes local sales and use tax and other taxes or fees (where applicable)that you will not be charged at checkout.
Prices may change at any time, but (other than as set out above) changes shall not affect the orders for which we have sent an order confirmation email. All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted on the Site.

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